Power of the WORD – Part 2 of SERIES: God’s Power

Everything about God emanates from his power. God’s power is an eternal essence and it is present in the counsel of his WORD which creates powerful change. Today, KMM teaches on the power of God’s WORD being the foundation of eternal action, thus, resulting in changes upon the earth. whatever, you bind or lose in Heaven will be bound and lose on earth (Matthew 18:18).


Bible Prophecy Teacher, Charles T. Walker illuminates the Word of God by revelation and the prophetic word. Timely teachings that will touch your heart and bring relief to your deepest struggles through the light of a sure Word of prophetic teaching, counsel, wisdom and a break through by the anointing of God.

Charles Walker has been in licensed ministry 25 years and ordained 18 years within that time. He is not new to operating in the gifts of discerning of the spirits, revelation, interpreting visions and dreams, word of knowledge and wisdom. Full of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God’s favor he is a sought after speaker and conference bible teacher. Intercessory prayer is one of his main power gifts.

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