in Plague

Understanding Plagues – Part 1
Listen to “Series: Understanding Plagues, part I” on Spreaker. How do you explain the onset of pandemic outbreaks, incessant natural disasters, nations flaunting the use of their powerful weapons, and civil unrest around the world?...

Plots on Christians
You can be sure, there are beautiful, productive, and quality things you can do in life all while maintaining your place in “rat races.” Combating messiness in the workplace can become discouraging and energy draining....

Queen Vashti is Fed-Up!
Being a wife married to security, Queen Vashti is considered a heroine. She impacts women everywhere who are dealing with disrespectful husbands who harbor wealth. As a woman of ethical and moral quality, the Queen...

The Opinion of Others
Do you depressingly harbor on the opinions of others? While an opinion can matter from a trusted friend in the right moment, most importantly, Christians should rely on the eternal voice within as they fulfill...
in Leadership

Jesus’ Passion About Leadership
The New Testament’s cursing of the Fig Tree by Jesus, in no-way, is an abuse of his leadership power. In fact, the cursing of the fig tree should be viewed as a leadership lesson much...

The Actions of Jesus’ Authority
Jesus’ teaching ministry was marked by establishing God as the supreme interpreter of the Holy Scriptures. As we study Jesus’ ministry, it began in the temple receiving the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and ended...
in Ministry

Pastoral Ministry Conflict
At times in Pastoral ministry, a select member can be irate, irritating, and burdensome. Character matters while performing leadership freedoms under any pastoral ministry. Character is a part of BECOMING in or spiritual growth. It...

Ananais & Sapphire Dilemma
The book of Acts begin with a highlight of the deposed leader Judas. Judas betrayed Jesus for some cash. Often leaders reveal what truly matters when under challenge and scrutiny. As can be read, the...
in Character, Leadership

What Do We Learn from Peter’s Leadership
Most avid readers of the New Testament know what the Apostle Peter’s character was like before he began leading other believers. He was a work in progress. Peter lied three times about having any association...