Examining Your Motives – Part 1 of SERIES: Inner Virtues
In the gospel of Mark chapter 10, Jesus is in conversation with two groups: the influential and wealthy. The political religious figures (Pharisees) and a wealthy young ruler (powerful). It is worthy to note their...
The Number 42 – Part 2 of SERIES: Understanding the Number 42
KMM, continues teaching on the spirit of opposition and the spirit of tribulations that fight against the plan of God for his blessed people. The number 42 is an opposer of God’s will. One reason...
The Number 42 – Part 1 of SERIES: Understanding the Number 42
The spirit of opposition is a Satanically driven force against the Saints of God. This opposing force works against personal income, world persecution and depression. Today, KMM exposes the number 42 evils that drives your...
Power of the WORD – Part 2 of SERIES: God’s Power
Everything about God emanates from his power. God’s power is an eternal essence and it is present in the counsel of his WORD which creates powerful change. Today, KMM teaches on the power of God’s...
4 Area’s of God’s Power – Part 1 of SERIES: God’s Power
God is in control of his creation and His creature. It is his POWER that governs the purposes of circumstances that brings an individual to brush with his glory. Today, KMM presents God’s power in...
in Parenting
The Fatherhood of God – Part 2 of SERIES: Parenting
Many people tend to think of God as impersonal, that, he cannot experience emotions and feelings like humanity. However, God has many qualities like us. He was the supreme example of a Father to his...
7 Characteristics of Satan – Part 1
In Romans 11, God’s gifts and call are irrevocable, meaning he does not remove them. Likewise, with the fallen angel Lucifer and his angelic followers, their gifts from God are still operable in them. In...
7 Ways To Get Pass People – Part 3 of SERIES: Positive Thinking
Social acceptance and approval is a roadblock into progressing to your destiny and proclaiming your blessing. In the Gospel of John the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda had to overcome some issues in...
A Winning Attitude – Part 2 of SERIES: Positive Thinking
A winning attitude is the heart of the Christian faith. In the end, our struggles and Satan’s aggression will cease, and the victory, is ours in eternity with God and the Son. In the Gospel...
in Parenting
A Mother’s Honor – Part 1 of SERIES: Parenting
Once a year Mother’s Day is celebrated in her honor. The fifth commandment tells us to honor her on a daily basis and not just one day. Her children will have an advantage in life...